Skin Care Tips During Pregnancy

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 With Mother’s Day around the corner, we wanted to share skin care tips for those who are expecting! For new moms, we know beauty and self-grooming can be time consuming, but that doesn’t mean taking care of your skin and body should be neglected. Special guest blogger and Repêchage Sales Consultant Tiffany Saint Cyrus, a mom of two and a student midwife, shares the “perfect pre-baby skin prep” that she recommends for all the soon-to-be-mommies!

Every mommy-to-be worries not only about the new addition to their family, but also about the impact that pregnancy might have on her body—particularly, her skin. Women everywhere at some point during their childbearing months try to keep up with taking care of their skin and avoiding the persistent itchy dry skin, redness, an oily face, melasma and, last but certainly not least, the DREADED stretch marks.

As a mom of two and a student midwife, I’ve found that it can be extremely tiring and even time consuming taking care of skin during pregnancy. At the beginning, expectant moms are excited and eager to undertake any challenge that pregnancy puts in their way. But honestly, by the time they hit the end of their second trimester and start the third, they are way too tired and heavy to have to worry about avoiding pregnancy-related skin conditions. Mommies-to-be have enough to tend to with preparing for labor or caring for another human being, to say the least.

Luckily I have found the perfect pre-baby skin prep. If you ask me, the Repechage Vita Cura Collection is by far the best skin care treatment. Not only is it a wonderful escape for your senses, but it’s healthy for your skin. Take a warm relaxing bath with Vita Cura Foaming Seaweed Bath, light some candles, close your eyes and enjoy the me time you will soon miss once the baby arrives. This seaweed bath is based on the ancient treatment of Thalassotherapy, beneficial for so many ailments including edema caused by water retention during pregnancy. Your bath will have a high content of Laminaria Digitata, rich in 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, and 42 trace elements. The Vita Cura Nutrí Oil is perfect for targeting those pesky stretch marks. Featuring Beta Carotene, Vitamins A and E, linoleic acids and a silky, satin-like texture, it’s the ideal weapon against the fight to prevent stretch marks. Applying after every shower should do just the trick.

I have had moms complain that their skin has become red and very itchy once they reach their 20 week milestone. For some women (every woman is different), at this point in pregnancy, the skin begins to stretch more, because the uterus is rapidly expanding to make room for a fast growing baby. Some women even begin to have flaky skin in the abdominal area due to the lack of elasticity which also causes stretch marks. For this, Repechage has the Vita Cura Body Soufflé, a beautifully whipped mousse like lotion that will make you want to eat it! (DON’T EAT IT MOMMIES–we all know how weird those cravings can be!) But, you can enjoy the experience on your skin. Its natural ingredients will improve skin tone and elasticity, combating that itchy dry skin. It will also awaken your senses with chamomile, rooibos tea and yummy vanilla.

Even though healthy skin is a big concern among pregnant women, so is weight gain and cellulite. Both are natural parts of pregnancy, so don’t be discouraged by either! Once you’re newborn has arrived, focus on treating your skin with the Repêchage Vita Cura Body Contour Cream. Ingredients like, caffeine and Coenzyme A help reduce the appearance of cellulite, making your skin look firmer. It also includes stimulating agents that will help speed up your metabolism, therefore contributing to a slimmer figure over time.

So you see, taking care of yourself and your skin during pregnancy doesn’t have to be a chore. The joys that come from being a new Mom should include the time you take for yourself pre and post-partum. Remember to nurture your baby, your skin, and your soul.