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    Friday the 13th Beauty Edition Superstition!

    1 min read


    Today is Friday the 13th – the perfect night to curl up to a horror movie and indulge in some ghoulish fun! In honor of this spooky day we rounded up some beauty superstitious!


    • If you pull out one grey hair, eight more will come to its funeral!
    • If you make an ugly face for too long you will stay that way (but you may end up with habitual wrinkles!)
    • Dirt causes breakouts. Although we do recommend you wash regularly.
    • If your eyelash falls out, blow it off your finger and make a wish!
    • If you break a mirror you could have 7 years bad luck


    Hopefully you don’t fall prey to these beauty superstitions…but I do hope you enjoy your scary flick this evening- and try not to get too scared that you miss out on your “beauty rest!” a restful night sleep is essential to having healthy skin!


    Do you believe in superstitions? Tell us in the comments below!


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