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    Dark Under Eye Circles and Puffy Eyes? Fall Beauty Tips for Tired Eyes

    2 min read

      When it comes to transitioning from the slow days of summer to the fast fall season, everyone is affected, not just back-to-schoolers. Adjusting to a busier schedule, as well as the clock change, is both exhausting on your body and your face, and can show in your eye area. To help you look alive and revived this fall season, we’re sharing some of our favorite fall beauty tips for tired eyes. Tip 1: Make sleep a priority. With the fall season starting you are most likely a busy bee, but make sure you don’t let your sleep buzz off! In order to look your best, make sure to lock in at least 7 hours a night. How to sleep better, relax, and re-charge your system? Put your phone on your nightstand Turn off your TV and electronics Use a white noise machine  Sleep in a clean, and zen environment Take 15-20 minute naps when possible A power nap can be super beneficial to your looks when coupled with a sheet mask! Hydrating, firming and brightening your appearance in under 15 minutes? Yes, it’s possible. TIP 2: De-puff We get it – getting that needed 7 hours of sleep isn’t always possible. Unfortunately, this results in puffy peepers. Why does lack of sleep cause puffy eyes? This is because the body goes through critical functions during the different stages of sleep, releasing essential hormones and chemicals to bring you back to square one. One of these hormones is cortisol, which changes the salt levels in the body, resulting in the body retaining extra fluid. That extra fluid is partly responsible for those puffy eyes. How to diminish the appearance of puffy eyes? Cooling eye pads: In the morning, when your alarm goes off, hit snooze and pop these on for 10 minutes before going about your day. (Tip: Leave them in the fridge for extra cooling.)  Concealer: Apply this under your eyes to help with puffiness and to diminish the appearance of dark under eye circles, and conceal spots.  TIP 3: De-“panda” Dark circles under eyes are only cute on pandas and racoons! Give your eyes a second chance with a targeted eye cream for dark circles or brightening eye gel. Be on the lookout for ingredients known brighten the appearance of the skin like Licorice, and help give peepers some pep with Caffeine. Combined with the skin care powerhouse Seaweed, the brightening, uplifting and hydrating qualities will have all eyes on you, for the right reasons. TIP 4: Get an express eye treatment.  If you’ve got an important event or meeting where you’ve got to look your best and your work or school life keeps you busy from spending a full day at the spa – that’s okay. Visit your local salon/spa and visit with a skin care professional. They can offer you express treatments for the eye area, and these can be done in 15 minutes or less, but are still great “pick-me-ups” for eyes! So no matter what the season holds, keep practicing daily skin care and booking spa visits with your favorite skin care professionals. We know you’ll soon “Sea the Difference”!

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