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    What Causes Dark Spots?

    What Causes Dark Spots?

    2 min read

    To have a complexion as flawless as a Disney princess may seem like a fairytale or something only achievable with the help of Pixar or Photoshop.  Unfortunately, factors come into play that can cause us to have uneven skin tones in the form of dark spots or hyperpigmentation. So, what exactly causes us to have imperfect complexions, and most importantly, what can we do about it? Find out below.
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    Beauty Myth: The Sun Will Get Rid Of Acne

    3 min read

    Acne often leads sufferers to look for any means to alleviate their constant breakouts, excessive oils, and skin irritation. A myth we are constantly hearing, especially as the weather heats up is that laying in the sun will clear-up your
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