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    Has Summer Taken a Toll on Your Skin?

    Has Summer Taken a Toll on Your Skin?

    3 min read

    We all love the summer time! Lemonade on the patio, beach chairs in the sand, hair in the wind, but your skin? Mmm, not so much. All summer, your skin has been bombarded with nasty UV rays, sweat and sebum, and chemicals like chlorine. Not to worry though!
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    Scrub Your Skin: A Face Scrub Better than DIY!

    Scrub Your Skin: A Face Scrub Better than DIY!

    1 min read

    In this week’s beauty blog video, we’re discussing a natural facial scrub that’s better than any DIY scrubs out there! Natural facial scrub products: Honey and Almond Scrub
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    Beat the End of Summer Blues!

    Beat the End of Summer Blues!

    2 min read

    It’s only the beginning of August, but if you head out to the store or the mall fall beauty products and clothes are front and center, reminding us all that a change in season is coming!
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    Hair Removal – What’s the Best Method?

    Hair Removal – What’s the Best Method?

    3 min read

    Summer time is here and did you know that during this time of year hair grows back faster? (How convenient given it’s bikini and short season…) If you’re trying to decide which route to take to get rid of unwanted
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    4 Tips to Slim Down For Summer

    4 Tips to Slim Down For Summer

    3 min read

    Bikini season is around the corner, and you can’t count on sweaters to cover up a little extra weight this time of year! We share our top tips to help you slim down for summer!
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    What is a Moisturizer?

    What is a Moisturizer?

    2 min read

    Dry Skin (Left) vs. Moisturized Skin (Right)   Even as the months get warmer, moisturizing every day is a must! But what exactly does a moisturizer do for you skin, what’s in a moisturizer, and how do you choose between
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    3 Beauty Reasons to Thank Mother Earth For!

    3 Beauty Reasons to Thank Mother Earth For!

    2 min read

    April is Earth Month and we love celebrating Mother Nature! Thanks to her, we are able to feel and look our best on the inside and out! While there are many aspects of Mother Nature to be thankful for, these
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    Tech Neck – Do You Have It?

    Tech Neck – Do You Have It?

    2 min read

    Scrolling through your Instagram feed, checking your email, or seeing if your friend replied back to your urgent text may all seem harmless, but these habits can actually be taking a toll on your skin, particularly in your neck area.
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    Get Spring Fever Fast

    1 min read

    Happy first day of spring! Winter is finally officially over, but if you’re still staring at a ground full of snow it may not exactly feel like it.  However, one way to get your spirits boosted and get you ready
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